Monday, 15 September 2008

Fruit Skins

Last night I was at Parel station with a colleague, MV heading home after an extremely boring day at work. Both of us were so bored that we had a headache owing to boredom and general absence of interesting events during the day.
So we stood there at the station. Staring at things. I stared at the peeled-oranges on sale, the mucky-looking ragada of the ragada-patties and men and women at the platform. Finally, I stared at the weighing machine on the platform. The typical ones that you and I step onto, while we are 3 or 5 or even older.
And MV and I looked at the four 60 watt bulbs and the hundreds of zero watt colourful bulbs. All of them flicker in harmony. One goes off, the other goes on. Another goes on and yet another goes off. They all make for a very psychedelic view. Look at them for a few minutes at a stretch and you'll transcend to another space and time! Fascinating without doubt.
But what's equally, if not more exciting, is the response each ticket carries along with your weight. MV said I should weigh my bag. Yeah, weird and silly, but what would cheap thrills do if we weren't around? So, we did weigh my bag. The card read 2.5 kg and carried a lame prediction, something to do with business interest. Business interest of my black and white striped bag with loads of crap in it. What got us rolling in laughter was a cautionary message at the top of the card, "DO NOT THROW FRUIT SKINS (yes, skins) AT RANDOM." Hilarious.
I was left speechless for a while and even when I write about it now, I am at a loss of words! I would love to meet the person thinking of these social messages and writing them with such great finesse! If anyone knows of any such person, do get back to me.

P.S.: Meanwhile, I will weigh my new bag tonight at the weighing machine and check what it's prospects at business are!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Busy and liking it

I have been a little busy for a few days watching inter school football games, reviewing them, finding new talent, chatting up with coaches trying to find who is the one player in their team who turned the match in their favour or against. Ah well, it has all been very exciting sitting in the "press box", something that least resembles a box. It is more like an enclosure for the poor and humble!
What I like about my job is that I have fun just going places and watching sports. And then being able to comment on it is just a privilege! I have for the first time in my life, begun liking my job. And that's a good sign, isn't it? I know it is. That's that then.

P.S.: After all that bragging about regular blogging, I have taken a hiatus from it because of busy-ness *hangs face in shame*