Tuesday, 4 March 2008


A rejuvenated interest in Pacman is something I have gained recently. And I should say, it's entertaining. Damn entertaining. And extra-addictive. So every time I get the Internet, the first thing, hmmm... probably the third thing, to be precise, I do is log on to http://www.freepacman.org/. What follows is then legendary!
I love myself wading through the aisles with the white, sweet bubbles that come my way. I know the only thing to do in 'Pac World' is to eat the bubbles/tablets/sweets/stars/planets (different connotations for all us different people) and run. Run from Pinky and Inkey and Blinkey and Clyde. I hate to see their sharp, disfigured teeth ready to chew me into themselves. What I yearn for, as does everyone playing this game, are the Four Pearls of Evil (that's what I imagine them to be). Pearls because they glow more than the rest of the non-shiny bubbles and Evil because they give you the license and the power to kill. To eat the Pinkys, Inkeys, Blinkeys and Clydes of the Pac World. But like real life, the period of staying in power is short term and the Evil again has the upper hand over you - the nice one!
What is coolest about the game is the music. I have hardly seen it advancing through the five years that I have been a fan of it. It still sounds like a trippy rhythm that can wake you up from the deepest sleep ever, if played loud enough!
Another spectacular thing about the game is it 2-D character. It helps my primitive brain function. Function with quite some adeptness!


Ace said...

How did you come up with the names Inkey, Pinkey, Blinkey and Clyde? Or are they called that? If they are your own concoction, hats off to you!This might be the first blog post ever written on Pacman by anyone. As always, nice description. And this post reasserts what I've always held. That you ARE a kid! :-)

Mynie said...

They are called by those names by the makers of the game, not my own concoction there!
I know about a million people above the age of 15 who play and love pacman. That clearly proves it has NOTHING to do with being a kid! :-P

Mynie said...

They are called by those names by the makers of the game, not my own concoction there!
I know about a million people above the age of 15 who play and love pacman. That clearly proves it has NOTHING to do with being a kid! :-P

Gentle Whispers said...

Yup. It says Inkey, Pinkey, Blinkey and Clyde if you wait long enough before u click start. Clyde's the red one if I'm not wrong.

And nope it has nothing to do with being a kid. Just proves that you have the mental level of a 5 year old kid.

Gentle Whispers said...

And before you kill me, I love playing PacMan too.*hangs head sheepishly* I'm addicted to it. I play it all the time on FaceBook. Yes yes, I know. me & social networking websites. You aren't really surprised.

Btw, doesn't this make you want to join facebook too. ;)

Gentle Whispers said...

And also, Pacman??? Seriously??? Did you have nothing better to post about or were you that bored??

Mynie said...

@ gentle whispers
I was that high ;)