Sunday, 24 August 2008

Alarming Regularity

It just struck me recently, about three-and-a-half minutes back, that I have been posting on my blog more often these days. I don't know whether it's because I have more time or because I have many more things to post about. Whatever it is, I like the feeling and shall continue for however long I keep the steam going.
There's one reason I like Sundays -- if I am lucky, I get to read really good features in newspapers. Some of them make me think hard, some make me rationalise my thoughts against the writers', some make me laugh, even out loud, and there are always a few that leave a dirty feeling in the gut. And I say to myself, "Why are people paid to do this?"
Today, my day was made by two really well-written features -- one by Jug Suraiya, one of my favourite columnists and another by a Pakistani journalist Moni Mohsin. Jug Suraiya spoke of the glory of the Beatles and Mohsin wrote of the usage of English in everyday Pakistani life. that's that.
I'll wait for the day when someone posts on their blog of me having made their day!
*dreams on*
*colleague asks to get back to work*
Good bye


Ace said...

Call that 'amazing', not alarming, regularity. You have the gift of writing about just about anything that comes to your mind and making it look meaningful. :) I wish I could blog as frequently.
And I am QUITE sure somebody has blogged on you having made their day. :) You need to get more people, apart from me and Gentle Whispers, to read your blog if you want to be mentioned on somebody's blog the way you have mentioned Jug Suraiya and Moni Mohsin.

Gentle Whispers said...

Actually I did blog on you, for being the amazing person you are... remember???

Mynie said...

I will try publicise my blog from now on. Must do it to expand the readership and raise it from the constant two that it has maintained for its life span now!

Of course I remember. And I love you for that!

Ace said...
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Ace said...

Muahs? Why no muahs for me? Damnit!! I too want muahs!!


* closes eyes, pouts lips and waits *

* still waiting *

~Nothing happens~

* slyly opens an eye, closes again *

~still nothing~


Mynie said...

*slaps tightly while eyes were shut*

Ace said...

ouch!!! damnit!! people are so cruel these days!

Ace said...

* nurses swollen, red cheek * :(

Priya said...
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Ace said...

ok. So I was just about to congratulate you on the first non-Ace, non-Gentle Whispers comment on your blog, even if it was just a 'lol'. Guess that will have to wait for now.

Gentle Whispers said...

@ Ace: Aren't you the stalker type, hmmm?

Ace said...

@gentle whispers
Where did that come from? I mean, what's its relevance (to either the post or any of the above comments)?

Gentle Whispers said...

@ Ace:

First, I just meant that no sooner does a post or comment come up, that your onto it.. either commenting or replying...

Second, Develop the will to chill !!!

Ace said...

@gentle whispers

First, when I comment on a post, I check the 'Post follow-up comments' option, so I get a notification immediately when somebody else comments.

Second, I am chilled..frozen you can say! Didn't get angry or anything at all; was just curious to know the context of your previous comment! :D

Gentle Whispers said...

*rolls eyes*

Well now you do.